Associated with the observations |
RA: Field Right Ascencion (J2000).
DEC: Field sign of the Declination (J2000).
ΔΦA/V: Source distance from phase center.
Class: Protostellar class (0, I, Flat).
Lbol: Bolometric luminosity associated with the source from Furlan et al (2016).
Tbol: Bolometric temperature associated with the source from Furlan et al (2016).
Number of components: Indicates if the system is simple or multiple.
Integrated Flux Density with ALMA, VLA and ACA.
Peak Intensity with ALMA, VLA and ACA.
RMS: Noise asociated with the source.
Decon. Size: Deconvolved size of the source (deconvolved major axis x deconvolved minor axis in arcsec). Referred to the ellipticity or elongation of the source.
Decon. PA: Deconvolved position angle in deg.
ALMA and VLA derived parameters |
R2σ, ALMA/VLA: Disk radius with ALMA/VLA.
QALMA/VLA: Toomore's Q disk stability.
Spectral Index.